Killer Instinct Hard Drive Replacement Kits
Installation and Information
ROMs are simple to remove when using a 'chip lifter' tool. ROM Installation - Properly align the notch on the boot ROM with the silkscreened outline on the game pcb. ROM Removal Video - A short MP4 video showing how to remove the boor ROM (u98) using a flathead screwdriver.
Archive: Cabled CF-IDE Adapter Installation - An image of the old-style cabled edition KI CompactFlash kit Archive: 4-Pin Molex Desktop IDE Connector - An image of the power adapter required to connect a desktop IDE drive
to the Killer Instinct power supply (Yellow: +12V, Red: +5V, Blacks: Ground)
(Yes, this will work as long as you add the physical 40-pin IDE header to your KI motherboard or use a 44 to 40 pin adapter...)
If you install your boot ROM backwards, you will see a blank screen when you power your game up.
After you realize your mistake and attempt install the ROM correctly...Killer Combo!
Yes, it's toast! E-mail me about a replacement...
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